
Bureau du FNUAP au Burundi (
Ambassade de France (
Le Fonds mondial de lutte contre le sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme (
Commission de l’Union Africaine ;
Engender Health
UNAIDS Burundi;
US Embassy;
Swiss Cooperation Office to Burundi
CARE International;
Action Aid International
European Union ;
Women Deliver;
Stony Brook University;
Man Up Campaign to Stop Sexual and Gender Based Violence;
The International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR);
PSI Burundi;
FHI 360;
UNDP Burundi
Irish Aid ,
Observatoire Pharos;
White Ribbon Alliance , Great Lakes Region Actor for Peace (RAP/GL)
International Rescue Committee (IRC);
Center for Conflict Resolution
African Center for Democracy and Human Rights (ACDHR);
Service Yezu Mwiza (Jesuit Association )
Ministry of Public Health, Republic of Burundi;
Ministry of Higher education and scientific research, Republic of Burundi;
Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture, Republic of Burundi.
Skoll Foundation